Lisa J Healing

Reiki, Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Massage Therapist

“I'm a facilitator of healing, holding space for you to unpackage your issues safely”

Energy Healing
A gentle guide on the path to healing and balance. Guiding you on your journey to inner peace and wellbeing. With over 20 years of experience in healing and complementary therapies, I specialize in helping individuals overcome stress, anxiety, trauma, and depression. Let's embark on a path of healing together. - Life Activation Practitioner - Ritual Master - Ensofic Reiki Practitioner - Clinical Aromatherapist - Massage Therapist - Reflexology - Crystal Healing Therapist - Holistic Facial Specialist - Flower Remedies Practitioner


Years of Experience

5+ years of experience


Stress, anxiety, trauma and depression



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Lisa J Healing

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